
Thank you! I ask from a user experience point of view. One solution is technological. Another is just making it apparent that there are things "loading" in the background. I wonder if there's something to that. I made a few accounts recently and that initial buffer period is purgatory. I don't know what's happening. Why things aren't loading. If there was a way to communicate back end loading... A progress circle/ bar/ etc. To maybe let me leave my device on for a few minutes for an initial load? nostr:nevent1qqsru2q4z9vgktudkh5u09vaq83ec26t9y57ysa7udpl8ue3awrypdcpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7q3q8ams6ewn5aj2n3wt2qawzglx9mr4nzksxhvrdc4gzrecw7n5tvjqxpqqqqqqzptfh3t