
Cannabis exploding with growth, transplanting is on the horizon
The cannabis is really starting to take off, so starting to get the beds prepped in the rabbit colony for planting. First step is digging up the nutrient rich soil from the low point in the colony and moving it to the top of the hill.
Then I will broad fork it in, after that, I'll add the composted horse manure just before planting. I'm going to put some plants up at the top of the hill this season. Even though it's much more dry, it gets much better sun. I've been dumping straw and woodchips in the colony here and there which I will use as mulch to help hold the moisture in.
The hillbilly hasher is no longer necessary to maintain the temperature in the cold frame so it's exclusively hashing on sunshine from solar power for now. I plan to modify it to work with the dehydrator box asap.
Seeds are still available.
#homesteading #permaculture #permies #grownostr #cannabis #seedlings #gardening #weedstr