
Cannabis starts are planted in the rabbit colony!
Selected the 12 largest plants of each of the f1 crosses (pineapple pomegranate x super lemon haze)
The roots were ready for a bigger pot a few days ago better transplanted sooner than later.
Each plant gets 10gal composted horse manure broad forked in along with 5gal of sheep manure packed straw as mulch. Will add more throughout the summer. Rows are planted on counter with the slope for maximum water catchment.
After growing and breeding cannabis for a few years, I have finally arrived at a method which requires no outside inputs. Seed from previous seasons, growing substrate various compost/sand/soils found on the homestead, pots used 1gal vinegar jugs, rabbit exclusion rings from prior seasons. The only true expense this season has been my time.
By integrating the rabbits and the cannabis together I get higher yields of both. The rabbits weed and fertilize the cannabis and the excess cannabis feeds the rabbits. The cannabis will also provide shade and additional protection for the rabbits. After last seasons failures, I'm excited to see what this system can produce this go around!
#permaculture #permies #homesteading #grownostr #cannabis #rabbits #rabbitcolony #outdoorgrow #sungrown #weedstr #meatrabbits #gardening #selfsovereignty