
In yoga, there is a concept of Satya, or truth. In Bitcoin, there is a concept that 1 sat = 1 sat. For both ideas, one thing is always one thing. It is never degraded. It is always true. Is it a coincidence that a single sat, or Satoshi, has a similar root to yoga's Sanskrit word for truth—sat? I think not. Satoshis are truth that can't be corrupted. Satoshis are Satya! Sats are Satya. Sats are truth. They're math. They're facts. They're the unit of account that helps us to verify rather than trust. What are we verifying? That the accounting is *true*. ![image]( Bitcoin itself is a fight for what is true and real as much as it is a fight against lies (fiat) and fakery (sh*tcoinery, among other things). I'm a yoga teacher who often ponders what my place is in the world these days. In a world of fiat and wars that aren't mutually exclusive, what can I do? Especially when war becomes personal because it hurts those I love? **I can teach yoga and Bitcoin. ** What other form of non-violence can I utilize that stays true to yoga's principle of ahimsa (non-harming)? And how else does Bitcoin align with yoga? There is also the Yama of non-stealing, or Asteya. Asteya is addressed in Bitcoin through self-custody, property rights, and its very essence of not being controlled by a single entity—*especially the state*. We move on to another Yama, Brahmacharya, which is translated to mean conservation of energy, or moderation. While many interpret this to be sexual in nature, it can apply to how Bitcoin miners respect the energy needed to mine (no matter what liars like Greta Thunburg say). It's no secret we Bitcoiners conserve to stack more sats. With each sat stacked, we stack more truth. Finally, we dive into the Yama of Aparigraha, or non-grasping, aka "don't be greedy." Who better to embody this ethical principle than Satoshi himself? The one (or group) who gave us Bitcoin without taking credit or moving their Bitcoin for many years now? There's nothing more true and honest than Satoshi himself. We see Aparigraha in action daily on Nostr with devs freely giving time and knowledge to this movement of decentralization. Bitcoiners have never been stingy with knowledge, helping me with questions, building a node, or even merely sharing memes. We're a non-greedy bunch. Sure, we could do this for wealth. But it's bigger than that—to tell you the truth. 😉 **![image](** If you liked this blog post about how yoga and Bitcoin align spiritually, let me know, give feedback, and ask questions. I'll happily write more. 🙏