
THE NOSTR REPORT CULT CLASSIC June 07, 2023 Block Height: 793,312 Moscow Time: 37:90 ⚡/ $ —---------------------------- 🎙️Quote of the Day🎙️ —---------------------------- “If people want to believe I’m in a cult because I believe in an honest ledger - sign me up!” @nostrich @note1x6s9j... —---------------------------- 🚨Headline nostr News🚨 —---------------------------- @nostrich Today was Hack/Dev Day at @nostrich . Check out these udpates from @nostrich in case you missed them earlier. The conference starts tomorrow, and Marce has some great interviews lined up for us! Stay tuned! #btcprague #marcefiles 💜🔥 @note10hrcn... @note1wgxcl... @note1acj7y... @note1khcvu... @note1ysmda... Here are a few more photos from we found from #nostriches attending BTC Prague. If you have more, share them in the replies: 📸 @note1z0p4t... @note1hjjfw... @note16wgep... @note1sljes... @note1zlrfq... @note123fw2... @note1335dn... @nostrich SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT: @nostrich joins @nostrich and @nostrich on June 8 for an exclusive AMA: Nostrevolution on the VIP Stage. 🗣️ @note1hyytp... @nostrich has officially landed on #Nostr! Check out their video about the future of social media as they announce the integration of #Nostr into the ZBD app. 👀🚀 @note1w9kav... @nostrich @nostrich is going to onboard a massive amount of newcomers to the world of Nostr. 🚀 @nostrich​ will be on the show discussing it this Friday during @nostrich @note1cpexp... Recorded episodes of #Plebchain Radio are available on the Fountain App using the link below: @nostrich highlights @nostrich ‘s use of #Zapvertising as they make their debut on #nostr. ⚡ @note1dl4er... @nostrich drops 📰 newsletter on why #nostr (combined with #Bitcoin) matters, including a step-by-step guide for set-up. @note13xhy3... @nostrich The first episode of Nostr Review on Bitcoin.Review is out! Covering Primal, Onyx, Highlighter, nsecbunker, and so much more, and featuring @nostrich , @nostrich , and @nostrich 🔥 @note1tjt03... @nostrich drops his latest episode of Bitcoin Audible and it’s a piece all about #Nostr! “Nostr isn’t just a social network, that’s simply the first use case to sprout from the Nostr tree.” @note1fhc0w... —---------------------------- 💻nostr Tech💻 —---------------------------- @nostrich announces #Greenlight, a Lightning-as-a-Service (Laas) that developers can use to integrate non-custodial Lightning in their apps with just a few API calls. Learn more! @note17k24z... @note1d9ekp... @nostrich shares video on how to build a DIY Jade wallet. 🔧 @note1wpvya... @nostrich BIP for Silent Payments Is Out For Review @note1ycp9z... What is @nostrich cooking up? Custom relay sets via Highlighter? 🤩 @note1lhtkr... @nostrich Plebstr dev gives preview of what user tagging will look like in a soon coming update. 👀 @note1ade5d... @nostrich Onyx: Version 0.55.4-1. It's Amethyst version 0.55.4 without the censorship. Download links in the linked note. @note1s9qkl... @nostrich Check out this guide by @nostrich about how to purchase no-KYC #bitcoin using @nostrich . @note18vvrk... —---------------------------- ⚡nostr Business⚡ —---------------------------- @nostrich Here's a chart for incoming WoS #Zaps on the last few Zapathons! Pretty solid peaks at around 3000 / hour. ⛈️🌩️ @note1zng54... @nostrich has a full time job onboarding the oblivious to #Nostr. Much appreciated ser 🫡 @note1klh7f... @nostrich Binance US will delist around 100 trading pairs and has paused OTC trading. @note1crdpm... @nostrich shares a new tool that could change the way businesses use the Lightning Network ⚡ @note1n043n... @nostrich opines on why the price of Apple Vision PRO is so expensive is because Apple hasn’t committed to it. @note1273a5... —---------------------------- 🔥🔥Meme of the Day🔥🔥 —---------------------------- @nostrich 99 Problems and the SEC ain’t one @note1ag6xj... Stay Classy Nostr