
Tetris. A great game! The movie, though... I am not so sure... I remember playing Tetris on my personal computer Pravetz 82 on turns with my brother. Soon after the Berlin Wall fell. We entered the free world. You might ask "What is this computer?" Well, this is a Bulgarian ripoff of Apple IIe - 8 bit personal computer. Yes, I am coming from Ex Communist country and I do remember last years of the decay of that brand of Socialism we were living under. Let me tell you, though, how the Tetris movie made me feel. I understand that this is a movie, but still, based on some sort of real life, it made me feel off in many ways. I was a child, back then, but I was aware that you should not tell jokes about the Party, that every neighbour might be a spy and so on. We heard some stories, like the ones in the movie also. We were adoring any western brands of clothes - YES, Levi's was big, even when the regime fell and we had those thrift shops as teens, getting Levi's 501 was something the whole school was envy about! Imagine when I made enough money to buy me a brand new pair of Levi's! Crazy times! But anyways, watching the way life in the Communist Empire was depicted is quite worrisome. We were depicted as some sort of other species. Or at least visitors from past age. But let me tell you this. We were the workers, that when the Iron Curtain and Berlin Wall came down, came to do the jobs no one wanted. Ask any Brit about the Polish plumbers or Bulgarian gardeners, for example. We were the ones that left families behind, so we can support them back home. We were the ones that created new families on our new home. We were the ones, that started pursuing the Middle Class dream of the West, trying to consume the freedom we were fighting for back home to the fullest. We were those that started contributing to your society in a meaningful way. We didn't ask for welfare. We haven't demanded rights. We were fighting life with our full capacity! And gosh, there is some! Unfortunately we came to realise that the abundance of the West is based on Debt. We realised that Surveillance State is not that different from the Soviet State. For example, my brother, a USA citizen now, got a visit from homeland security in the early 2000s because he left a Vietnamese girl surf his couch for couple of nights. She turned out to be someone wanted. The agents popped at his door with two big folders of his social network and chat histories, asking questions for hours. We started recognising propaganda way before you did, because this is how we grew up. This was the reality. And now I watched on Apple TV that Tetris movie, then I opened Wikipedia on my MacBook Pro to read about their version of the story, because, well it is a propaganda movie! Like many western movies before the Iron Curtain came down, by the way. Well, the story is quite different and not total example of Bad East - Good West as the movie is trying to depict. And the whole 1984 feel that you are getting now is something we know and we have fought. I read the book in my teen years, by the way. Trust me, I wouldn't choose Bitcoin as last hope for humanity back in 2021. I am late, I know, but I am stacking! Also trust us - the Eastern Europeans. We have been through a lot of crisis and have seen a lot of socialism, communism and propaganda. What the world elite is feeding us is no different than what Soviet Communists tried to accomplish. Elimination of the Middle class and nuclear family values is a mission that the global communists have been doing for far too long. Yes! life back then was weird but now we are getting the same gut feelings. Yes, western life back then was quite different, but is it yet? Watch the movie and think about the overreaching state, the corrupt politicians and the hopeless people. And ask yourself: Is this the other side or it is US right now? But currently, there is no beacon of freedom, as USA once was. Except maybe El Salvador. But will we be allowed to travel in the next couple of years and leave the country? I don't know and I hope I will live the day to be able to spend my sats happily, knowing we ended the Global Communism by simply stacking sats and building the world we dreamed about in a peaceful way.