
Recent notes

File this as posted under the umbrella of my personal opinion, flowing from my "exorbitant privilege" as the creator and public face of our project, and not necessarily representative of the opinion of all, or even any, of our other contributors. The tone of this note is not constructive will only cause more people to question the motives behind the rejection of Peter Todd's grant application. A constructive response would at least make some reference to the specific proposal's faults, or the specific shortcomings in the applicant's credentials, but instead he childishly makes fun of Peter without even having the courage to mention his name. It is absolutely detestable that this individual, who operates a company that profits from bitcoin products that are not open source, and that had to be publicly pressured to take down marketing claims of those products being open source, is in a position where he influences decisions on literally millions of dollars of funding for other, legitimate, open source builders. OpenSats will continue to struggle with credibility and public perception as long as nvk has a role of influence there. note1xwds3tyu4a6p5acwc74a272r3pd567ahpt0p3r69vg3cg56hpcts5gwf6n

Un-installed Twitter from my phone today; was consuming too much time / energy.

Can verify. note192lgt5mrfq57kfxt7wzg52pkdpkrhs6jph6tuw0fklwjcgtgjqgswgduet