
Recent notes

An extremely rare x/21 matching npub1yjryjq2kdganuc69zme9agk0q4rjcnlxel3fwp3xm9z68phsxngsqd33a9 card and archival serigraph print created by yours truly is available via private sale from a collector 🔥 Send me a DM if you are interested and I will connect you! https://i.nostr.build/TwQrFYbFS4A8DbSj.jpg

BITCOIN CORE IS COMPROMISED https://wtfhappenedinfeb2023.com/bitcoin-core-devs-reaction/fixing-a-bug-through-documentation-change

This is amazing 😂🤝🏽 Best product photo from a collector I’ve seen yet! I get my Ivermectin from https://www.buy-pharma.md and pay with Bitcoin 🤌🏽 https://i.nostr.build/GknxgxSiOlNBLaJs.jpg https://i.nostr.build/QUgSEKvQfyKYS102.jpg