
Recent notes

Important update: Mutiny Wallet will be winding down operations by the end of the year. We're exploring new directions as a company. For full details on the shutdown and our future plans, please read our latest blog post: https://blog.mutinywallet.com/mutiny-wallet-is-shutting-down/

PSA: The functionality of multiple Fedimint federations is significantly degraded due to severe DNS issues. It seems to be the case that some federation guardians have an XYZ domain that the DNS registrar has taken over. Freedom One and Bitcoin Principals appear to have one guardian offline due to this. Unfortunately, despite the server and keys for these guardians being intact, there is no way for the DNS of a guardian to be swapped out after the fact. We became aware of this issue last week and then became aware that multiple federations are experiencing this: https://github.com/fedimint/fedimint/issues/5482/ Given the critical state of these federations, with one guardian out of four being permanently offline, it's essential that if you have funds in these federations, you should withdraw them immediately. Unfortunately, we're unaware of other public federations, so you must withdraw to another lightning or on-chain wallet. From our experiences, intermittent/connectivity issues can occur with guardians, and this may result in errors if not all three remaining guardians are consistently online. No other guardian of these federations has XYZ or other domains like it. So, if you're having issues, please try again later. Unfortunately, not much can be done on the Mutiny side, so we're removing the federation setup flow in the UI as a first step. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Announcing: Harbor, an ecash desktop wallet for better bitcoin privacy. https://blog.mutinywallet.com/harbor/ Privacy for the common person is a value worth fighting for. When we see a lack of freedom tools, we must build them into existence. They don't appear on their own. Much has been said about privacy at the Bitcoin protocol level. For now, we build it on higher layers where we can be more nimble. Ecash is a tool available today that combines with Bitcoin to bring new levels of common privacy. Cashu and Fedimint are two existing implementations we're interested in. https://m.primal.net/ISqH.png Harbor Privacy: All communication runs over Tor. Mutiny is not in the middle of any connections or transactions. Funds in the wallet get a Privacy Score to show how the mints provide privacy over time. More to come on this in the future. https://m.primal.net/ISqJ.png Harbor Multi-mint: Instead of relying on a single mint with your funds, spread the risk over dozens or more. Harbor manages this for you, showing you a single balance while connecting with mints for you. A mint can go offline with minimal impact on you. https://m.primal.net/ISqK.png Harbor Automation: Running as a desktop app unlocks ability to do long running processes in the background. Move money in and out of mints on your preferred schedule to maximize your desired level of privacy. Harbor makes suggestions, but you are in control. Move money in and out of Harbor using Lightning or on-chain. We love Bitcoin, and we love privacy. We hope Harbor gives everyday people more privacy and peace of mind.