
NextBlock, Founder & CEO Creator of The Flirting With Bitcoin Podcast

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Ian · 22d ago

This is crazy 🤯 https://youtube.com/shorts/jW4GJRa0bzo?si=2tbBqegpFPhD7rDa

Ian · 305d ago

Just had an interesting thought and realized that none of my friends will want to discuss with me. But I think Bitcoiners will get where I'm going with this. According to saylor, or whatever book he read, The story of humanity can be boiled down to who can harness the most energy efficiently. But think there is another version of that. The story of humanity culture can be boiled down to how much energy you can harness from nature efficiently. And right now we are still in the ocean faring stage of humanity culture. before we were mostly ocean faring we were riding on animals and navigating lakes and rivers in canoes. Notice how I didn't say we are in our space age or our air travel phase. That's because those are not harnessing power of nature. They are actually expending massive amounts of energy to defy nature. I.e. gravity. Boats however naturally float. Yes it takes a lot of engineering to make the super containers we see today. And massive engines to propel them. But they are just massive boats; their natural state is to float. Not crash to the ground in a fireball. I think that the more perfect the money is the more energy your culture will be able to harness naturally. Gold got us from the from horseback to super containers. What will Bitcoin do for us?