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Michael Saylor: How Satoshi Saved the World https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LWhq62fQQso Michael Saylor: Bitcoin is Truth https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2zkyMBNqXq8 Michael Saylor: Bitcoin is the APEX Property https://www.youtube.com/shorts/yDOwoxmwIWs

All cars outside of utility needs are shit coins Study note1934wqrj7w5rws2wth6uejlewxq3dzr2c3j3ejlg2f8hcf7lfd40qtt56d4

Instead of storing your savings in fiat currency that depreciates, gambling with stocks or buying assets with maintenance/security cost, you can save in . Through remembering 12 words bitcoin is unalterable, inviolable money with no physical encumbrance. An invisible asset with no risk of theft in chaos or damage from a natural disaster. Study Why is the Pacific Northwest coast moving to the northeast? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JEZv_FwPWPk