
A decentralized media client on Nostr to support people in owning their voice. #iOS #​Android

Recent notes

YakiHonne · 195d ago

YakiHonne has officially launched an initiative to invite 100 influencers and programs to join the Nostriches and Bitcoiners interaction movement, fueling the Bitcoin-native social network explosion! 🔥 https://i.nostr.build/o7pM8iy1NuFAmEfM.jpg

YakiHonne · 304d ago

YakiHonne has launched an early incentive plan to support the development of 50 Nostr relays for the next 6 months. 🚀 Host your relay now and get exclusive early rewards! 🌟 🔗: https://yakihonne.com/article/[email protected]/OikGnwP-WH9AGVC9HYqdo https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/20986fb83e775d96d188ca5c9df10ce6d613e0eb7e5768a0f0b12b37cdac21b3/files/1715662431205-YAKIHONNES3.png