
Ainsley Costello
Recent notes

There’s not really an easy way to introduce this song, so let’s just get right to it. We’re living in a season where women’s basic, fundamental rights have been, and will continue to be highly contested. Women and girls should be able to say no, change their minds, and do whatever they want with their bodies without feeling judged, ashamed, or unsafe. As we are at such a high stakes moment for much more than just women’s basic freedoms, I am all the more certain that this is the song I need to share now. Unfortunately, at its core, this song is still a nice message at best. But I have always strived to write songs about how the world could and should be, and this song is no exception. So, if you ever felt like you couldn’t change your mind, if you came from a woman, if you’re raising girls, or if you have women in your life who you care about, this song is for you. “Change Your Mind”, a song I wanted to write for the longest time, is out now exclusively in the Valueverse, hear it first on npub1yfg0d955c2jrj2080ew7pa4xrtj7x7s7umt28wh0zurwmxgpyj9shwv6vg and npub1v5ufyh4lkeslgxxcclg8f0hzazhaw7rsrhvfquxzm2fk64c72hps45n0v5 ✨👉 https://wavlake.com/album/2cc8ce94-6b15-4426-8a6d-ed974d3258e5 written by: me, Chloe Duvall, Ryan Lau, and Nathan Dohse produced by: Ryan Lau mixed by: Michael Mechling mastered by: Whynot Jansveld npub1h8gzew8am6cezuq7cpjgudldra40hgnruqrqlsrqnxnzs5wjtczqztps02 npub1a6c3jcdj23ptzcuflek8a04f4hc2cdkat95pd6n3r8jjrwyzrw0q43lfrr npub1nl8r463jkdtr0qu0k3dht03jt9t59cttk0j8gtxg9wea2russlnq2zf9d0 npub184cwc849sejs5pr566zcg4pqn53zzk85q70gmwqx7qt77h3suansvet30s npub1xtscya34g58tk0z605fvr788k263gsu6cy9x0mhnm87echrgufzsevkk5s npub13ql75nq8rldygpkjke47y893akh5tglqtqzs6cspancaxktthsusvfqcg7 npub1d9a94klcx90k073pmlc606q9gyhtmg4p4h0jrzs0j0s34whjlzxq2sw3fp npub1t6njrhtc9q3f5wdrwfrhpypq3kes5mpdx4u4rw9w2pxjanuxcpkqveagv3 npub1m0fkefjhw6z7m8fv2nh7vrtf3rlsy70dywlsdj08lzekdr7kheyqefgpyg npub1eequz6v23szzyx9utphsh8kg6kll50wte6sfh4vah8gdjtplcz6qg7at9s npub1getal6ykt05fsz5nqu4uld09nfj3y3qxmv8crys4aeut53unfvlqr80nfm npub1wmr34t36fy03m8hvgl96zl3znndyzyaqhwmwdtshwmtkg03fetaqhjg240 npub18ams6ewn5aj2n3wt2qawzglx9mr4nzksxhvrdc4gzrecw7n5tvjqctp424 npub1theparkprcs70dcs437ke9zzwsr6u60f8flu7rg28m30438aep9sd94dha https://v.nostr.build/si2fguFQKtv9mbuK.mp4

Nostr is HOPE. Thank You npub1wmr34t36fy03m8hvgl96zl3znndyzyaqhwmwdtshwmtkg03fetaqhjg240 npub1j60x528w2g2vkq5kae5uhh8y7sezjyj20zcsg0v9muc72cmdpu0s0md7ua for letting me be a small part of the 🧡💜 universe! These tools have come so far in the year I have been here, I can only imagine where we will be one year from now. if you are new here or me 😍 note1vf43lvfe6tq80jv0ln7vn86m4svuzdqs5ynsru0g0dgmpp2ltdksrpepap

NOW STREAMING 💛 On npub1yfg0d955c2jrj2080ew7pa4xrtj7x7s7umt28wh0zurwmxgpyj9shwv6vg https://wavlake.com/track/598f2d62-1d8f-4937-8dcb-a3803443279b