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Full dump of nostr events collected by nostr.band crawler for you to play with (550Gb): https://media.nostr.band/events.jsonl.gz If you wanted to do research, data analytics, calculate stats, etc - that's your chance. Contents: - 550Gb of nostr events in jsonl format, gzipped - no data about source relay - some event kinds are absent (DMs, other encrypted stuff, ephemeral) - some duplicates are possible Will publish regular updates on this data set if someone makes anything useful out of it. Thanks npub1mygerccwqpzyh9pvp6pv44rskv40zutkfs38t0hqhkvnwlhagp6s3psn5p for the push.

Houston, we have a problem! Anyone knows any open source PWA (website) that shows you push notifications when added to homescreen on iOS? iOS 16.4 got web push out of experimental, and now any PWA added to homescreen is supposed to show notifications. But our nsec .app won't show it until you manually launch it. Need an example of some app that figured it out. Any help appreciated! Thanks!

Please welcome Npub.pro! This is a tool to make yourself a beautiful Nostr-based website. It's been long in the making, and we're thrilled to launch it on this special day! Here is a short demo of how you can make yourself a website right now: https://v.nostr.build/kZG9O.mp4 It's free for anyone getting started, it's open source and self-hostable. Why get yourself a nostr-based website? - beautiful themes (any Ghost theme could work) - great looking shareable links to your content - works like an app, add to homescreen, useable offline - SEO-optimized - attach your custom domain or host yourself Try it at https://npub.pro Learn more on our Nostr-based blog: https://blog.npub.pro/post/npub-pro-is-live P.S. If you like how it looks, that's because npub1r0rs5q2gk0e3dk3nlc7gnu378ec6cnlenqp8a3cjhyzu6f8k5sgs4sq9ac designed it. Thanks man, it's a pleasure to work with you!